What’s happening in Taralga
Long Table Lunch
A community get together is being organised for anyone and everyone. Tables and Chairs will be provided - bring a share-plate, drinks, plates and cutlery.
This is an opportunity to share a meal in a relaxed environment and enjoying the company of others living in your community.
RSVP: 0400 319 125
Taralga Sports Club - Family Christmas Party
Starting at 12pm, many activities will occur…..there will be free games, craft activities, face painting
12:00 Dads and Kids Cricket
13:00 Adult Lawn Bowls Competition
14:00 Free Kids Activities - Tie Dye, Bauble decorating, Tattoos, facepainting.
16:00 A special Guest appears - Ho Ho Ho
17:00 the Raffle will be drawn.
Followed by live Music by Big Willy
Taralga Village Late Night Shopping
All retailers along Orchard St in the Village will be open for your convenience from 4pm to 7pm.
There will be a raffle, carolers, Food and Drinks to sustain you whilst you saunter along Orchard St procuring useful and interesting collectables.
Taralga Tea and Talk December 2024
Come along to the Taralga Memorial Hall in the middle of the Village on the east side of Orchard St to enjoy a coffee or tea and something-sweet-eats supplied by the Taralga Country Women’s Association, whilst chatting to ol’ mates and newbies who blown in.
No fee, however, donations thankfully received.
Need transport? Call Frances for assistance on 0428 644 822
Southern Tablelands Vintage Farm Machinery Club
We invite you to celebrate with us our 20th anniversary year.
Rally activities will include:
Vintage trucks, Tractors
Beautifully restored heritage farm machinery
Classic & Vintage cars
Small motors - Stationary Engines
Steam Engine
Working demonstrations
Trade Stalls with lots of rusty bits
Adults $10-School Children Free
free unpowered camping sites
$15 fee per night for powered sites
Food and drinks all weekend
Meet & Greet Sausage Sizzle for exhibitors Friday eve.
Saturday evening Entertainment by Jamie Agius
Robert Handley, President, 0406 151 692
Jim Dean, Vice President, 02 48433033
Gwen Handley, Secretary, 02 48406150
Tea and Talk, sponsored by Taralga CWA
The Taralga Country Women’s Association (CWA) host a Tea and Talk event the first Tuesday of the Month.
Cake and sweet treats are made by the CWA members for the enjoyment of the attendees, whether you are a resident of the Village, a tourist taking a pit-stop or a farm worker needing a rest.
There is no charge, however donations accepted.
Come along to the Taralga Memorial Hall and have a chat, meet ol’ mates and introduce yourself to a few newbies.
Need transport? Telephone Frances Flood on 0428 644 822 and arrangements will be made.
Taralga Farmer and Others Markets
Located at the Taralga Sports Club (south end of the Village) there will be plenty of stalls selling cooked goods, fresh vege, useful household items, Country Women’s Association cookery and CHRISTMAS DECORATION STAFF. Cash and card accepted. ATM on site.
‘8x8’ - Lego constructions by Milton Cameron
October 19 – November 3rd
Opening event:
Saturday 19 October midday
New Zealand-born Milton Cameron came to Australia in 1981 to join the team of architects designing the new Australian Parliament House in Canberra.
Building upon his previous experience, Cameron created these pixelated relief sculptures using thousands of tiny Lego pieces, whose 8 mm by 8 mm dimensions provide the title of the exhibition. The regular grid underlying these works allows Cameron to apply colour in a way that is sympathetic to his architectural sensibilities, whilst leaving the upper layers of the works open to flights of fancy and whimsy that are particularly compelling from close range. The images are bright and fresh, while the subject matter represents the artist’s broad range of interests across art and popular culture.
The Taralga Fun Ferret Races
For the third year running the Annual Taralga Fun Ferret Races will be held on the 12th of October 2024 at the Taralga Sports Club.
This is a fund raising event where net proceeds from the naming of Ferrets, sponsorship of a race and the auctioneering of each Ferret in each race, will be donated to the Children’s Medical Research Institute, via the Goulburn and Surrounds Committee.
Φυλλα | Fylla | Leaves
Michelle Atzemis
Fylla is a Greek word meaning leaves, so in naming her show, Michelle pays respect to both her origins and her love of these universal emblems of the natural world. The works include both painted and embroidered surfaces. We are so excited to debut her work in this first show of many!
Opening event: Saturday 7th September 12 midday. All welcome
Exhibition continues to Sunday 22nd September
Winter Vase Workshop Saturday 24th August 2pm – 4pm
Using local plants, Jo Morris will walk you through the potential for creating beautiful arrangements using bare branches, winter flowers and other available gifts of nature.
$50 all materials included
Current Show - Tree People
These are the last 2 weeks of Jo’s show honouring the stunning winter landscapes of Gundungurra country. There are still some works available including her distinctive wire relief sculptures and dry point etchings of Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos.
Exhibition concludes Sunday September 1st
Dance for Denim Do - Line Dancing
Dance for Denim Do
5:00 pm 7:00 pm
Jameison Hall
St Luke’s Church, (map)
Google Calendar ICS
Entry from Court Street, oppo Goodhew Park.
Line-Dancing - a lot of fun for all ages
a sausage sizzle & soft drinks available.
This is a Fund-raising event operated by the Goulburn and Surrounds Committee of the Children’s Medical Research Institute.
Tickets can be pre-purchased by writing to goulburn.commttee@cmri.org.au or calling Simon on 0413332868
Tickets: 2 Adults & 2 children under 18yo - $30 1 Adult $10 1 Child >17 yo $5
tickets available at www.ticketebo.com.au/dance4denimdo
RSVP - goulburn.committee@cmri.org.com